If you would like to price match an item prior to your purchase, the following requirements must be fulfilled.
- The product must be the exact same brand name and model # as it appears on leagueofvapes.ca
- The product must be priced in Canadian Dollars and include all environmental fees, shipping costs, and other charges.
- The product must be sold AND shipped by a retailer or authorized dealer located within Canada. Check the dealer’s shipping policy on the competitor’s site to confirm.
- The product must be in stock, available for sale, and cannot be a limited time offer, pre-order or available only in limited quantity.
- The product’s price must not be lower due to an advertising error, misprint, or special sale price. Special sale prices include: Pre-Black Friday VIP SALE, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Boxing Day/Week, special educational prices, restricted offers, mail order offers, rebates, coupons, premiums, free or bonus offers, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) prices, "B" stock, close-outs, liquidations, clearances, demos, refurbished items, open box items, and financing offers.
If all requirements matched, feel free to email us to sales@leagueofvapes.ca along with the screenshot of the product you found then we would like to do the price match for you for any items available on our website.
NOTE: Price Match policy ONLY applies to our website. Thanks!